Monday, November 17, 2008

Oh the Lord's Been Good to Me!

I've got the Johnny Appleseed song stuck in my head right at this moment!!
Oh, the Lord's been good to me
And so I thank the Lord
For giving me the things I need,
The sun, the rain
and the apple seed.
Oh, the Lord's been good to me.

I was in a funk this weekend. It was such a bummer. I started worrying about things that I should've been praying about. I'm sure someone can relate with that.
The weather was (as you may have read in my previous post) amazingly beautiful. Some people argue that at this time of year (about 2 weeks 'til Thanksgiving) we should be enjoying some crisp, cool autumn weather. However, God saw fit to give us warmer-than-summer temps this November and I'm certainly not going to complain about that! I must say, though, that even with my long walks in the sunshine with Gracie dog, I allowed a shadow of fear, anxiety and doubt to crowd out my joy. It wasn't pretty.
This morning--oh, aren't we so glad that His mercies are new every.single.morning?!--God reminded me of a wonderful truth that I learned in a Beth Moore Bible study. We act on that which we believe. I was kicked in the pants by that reminder today and embraced this new day with a fresh attitude. I moved forward, believing that my God will supply all of our needs according to HIS riches and glory.
I shared this with my daughters...even apologized for my grumpy attitude over the weekend.
To make a long story short, we received a generous gift today. It brought me to tears. Not ONLY because God showed up and provided for us in yet another miraculous way, but because it was AFTER I decided to actively believe Him and shared it with my girls. Their faith is growing right along with mine and I am so grateful!!

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