Saturday, December 6, 2008


This was a wonderful writing prompt that my 4th grade teacher husband had for his class. I can't tell you how hilarious some of the questions were! We had a good laugh at some of them (like Mary, did you have hair extensions? and Wise Men, were you really wise? How much were your gifts worth? oh, and...Mary, did you have a little lamb?)but, also enjoyed some of the thought-provoking questions as well. I did this with my girls, too. If you decide to do this little writing...let me know. It's fun to see what questions there are. Here's the assignment:

*Imagine that you have been given the chance to interview one or more of the major characters of the Christmas Story. What sort of things might you ask? Write your interview questions with Mary, Joseph, the Wise Men, the Inn Keeper, the Angel and/or others.*

This could very well be a new tradition we start in our home. Dating and saving these for years to come will be a fun memory!

If I could ask Mary any question I'd want to know if she was nervous about mothering the Son of God? I think there is so much pressure in this day and age to raise godly children. Can you even think of how Mary must've felt? Maybe I'm projecting too much here. Surely, she knew that the Holy Spirit started this thing...maybe she had the faith to believe that God would see her through all the parenting years as well.

Enjoy this writing prompt....either yourself or with your kids!!


jenny said...
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jenny said...

What were the girls' responses?

eternity driven said...

they had lots of questions....Kourtney's took up a whole page and Maggie's took up a page and a half!!
I'll give you one of each:
K: animals-Did you know that the baby was Jesus?
M: Jesus-How long were you when you were born? How much did you weigh?

gery-riggin said...

i told shauna to check this out and tell jimmy to use in his class -- she said he would be fired !!! sad - huh?!!
anyway, after some thought I decided i would ask Jesus what his earliest memory was - or - did he watch himself from heaven and know all that was going on -- how exactly did that work. like, God saying "ok time for mary to give birth" and then -- "oh boy here i come being born"! ????